As part of our 10th anniversary celebrations, Banks Sheridan is aiming to undertake a number of activities looking to raise much needed funds and create a greater public awareness for a number of local charities.
Over the last decade we have worked in the local community and would like to give something back. This is just one way of saying thank you to those who have supported us.
Our staff decided to start this off by taking on a mammoth challenge of walking the full length of the Sandstone Trail in just one day. This is a 34 mile hike from Frodsham to Whitchurch, which hopefully will take about 13 hours. Ten members of the Banks Sheridan team are in hard training and practicing their blister treatment techniques in readiness for the walk, which happens on 4th September 2015.
Our first charity was easy for us to choose. Nathan Shaw, one of the Banks Sheridan accountants, tragically heard in March of this year that one of his best friends, Daniel Hughes, died suddenly in his sleep aged just 28. Dan passed away without any warning, breaking the hearts of his family, friends and all those that knew him.
In memory of Dan, Nathan and a number of friends will cycle from Wembley Stadium to the Britannia Stadium over 2 days to raise money for the charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). We all felt the desire to support Nathan by raising funds and creating a greater awareness of the charity linked to the condition which unfortunately had such tragic consequences for Dan.
Every week in the UK alone 12 fit and healthy young people die suddenly from undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY, a charity chosen by Dan’s family, help to prevent young sudden cardiac death through awareness, screening and research, and also provide support for affected families. Please check out the following link for more details on this charity – www.c-r-y.org.uk
Our target is to raise £2,000 by way of sponsorship of our Sandstone Trail walk to add to the funds raised by the cycle ride for a subsidiary of CRY in Dan’s name so that the money raised can be spent locally.
We understand that sponsorship requests circulate regularly but whatever you can spare will be hugely appreciated by us all.
We will be sending out sponsorship details, alternatively you can sponsor us via Virgin Money Giving by following this link: http://www.virginmoneygiving.com/SomeoneSpecial/Dan.Hughes or telephone us on 01270 530970 or email your support to enquiries@banks-sheridan.co.uk
Many thanks in advance for any donations made.