News Hub

David Morris at Accountex Summit

Director, David Morris is loving life in the big chair at the Accountex Summit. David and Jasmin, one of our client managers attended the fantastic conference in Manchester on Tuesday.

David and Jasmin picked up a massive amount of information, not only covering tax, bookkeeping, etc but a bucket-load of tips on the latest technology and trends of how to get the most from your IT and team. They are looking forward to bringing new ideas to the whole Banks Sheridan team to push forward on our principles of value, partnership, innovation and care every day.

Sharing a snippet of information from one of our tax lectures…. Did you know, that while the Super Tax Deduction may have sadly demised in March, the all-new Full Expensing of Capital Allowances has replaced it, saving companies up to 25p per £1 spent on qualifying asset additions up until 31 March 2026. Check out:…/spring-budget-2023-full-expensing

Company news

Springfield School Donation

Great to share a picture of David Morris meeting the children at Springfield School to deliver a donation...

David Morris

Company news

Easter Egg Collection

David Morris, Director pictured below with the first box of Easter eggs. This year once again we are a dr...

David Morris
